Adding/Updating Records to a Person's Profile

How to add or update a record for a user in A-suite

Updating Records to a Person's Profile:

To streamline the process of updating records in a person's profile, follow these three main methods: If the profile has a record make sure to update the version.

1. Navigation:
Begin by navigating to the profile of the individual for whom you want to update records.

2. Create a Record:
Create a new record by navigating to the 3 dots on the user profile > Create > Record

Once in the record, there are three ways to add/update an attachment on the record

1. The records tab in the profile, 

2. The missing records tab,

3. Create a new record by navigating to our Create Records tab. 

3. Uploading Options:

Utilize one of the following methods to upload the record:
  • Drag and drop the file directly into the designated "Drop Files Here" box.
  • Select a file that has already been added to the profile through the "Files" tab on the left.
  • Upload a file directly from your computer using the "Upload Attachment" button.

Important Notes:

When updating a record you’re already tracking in your records browser, be sure to create a new version within the existing record instead of adding a new one.

If the uploaded record includes an expiration date, ensure you update this date after submitting a new record to maintain accuracy.