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Creating a User in A-Suite

Creating a User in A-Suite has now become easier and more defined. Follow this quick step-by-step guide to navigate through the process in A-Suite.

  • Navigate to the Create Button: Start by locating the Create button at the top right corner of the avatar page. Click on it.
  • Select User: From the options provided, click on "User" to proceed with creating a new user profile.

  • Fill Out Information: Complete all relevant fields for the user you're creating. Pay attention to fields marked with a red star, as they are required for user creation.
    • Each type of user may require different fields. 
      *Example: Team Members require Job and Location, while Candidates require Position Openings and Recruiters
  • Click "Create User": Once all necessary information is filled out, scroll down and locate the "Create User" button at the bottom of the screen. Click on it to finalize the user profile creation process.

Following these simple steps will enable you to efficiently create a new user profile based on the provided information. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, feel free to reach out for support.