Creating Question Pools in Your LMS

Create a new exam question pool

  1. Navigate to Library > Question Pools.

  1. Select Add Question Pool in upper right corner of the screen.
  2. In Question Pool Information enter a name and select Exam Questions in type
  3. Optional: add tags to help find this pool in the library.
  4. Save the pool as a container for questions.
  5. From Add Question to Exam, select one of the types, either True/False, Pick One, Multiple Choice, Order List, Match List of Fill in the Blanks. 
  6. Save to finish the first question. 



Editing text in questions and answers

  1. From main navigation go to Library.
  2. From secondary navigation choose Question Pools > your question pool.
  3. Select a question.
  4. Change the text in the question or the answer.
  5. Save to finish.

Note:  Changes to existing questions appear immediately in all exam modules that use the question pool. You don't need to re-version the course to update an existing question.

Adding and removing answer choices

  1. From main navigation go to Library.
  2. From secondary navigation choose Question Pools > your question pool.
  3. Select a question.
  4. To add a choice:
    • select Add new choice to add a new answer option
    • Save the change
  5. To remove a choice:
    • select the X to delete it.
    • in the dialog that opens, select Yes to confirm.

The following screenshot shows an answer choice, with the X to delete the choice indicated.
