This article describes, in detail, the steps you will take to document your recruiting process.
- Define Your Qualification Questions
- Document Your Release Forms Consent Forms
- Write A Phone Screen Script
- Define Hard Stops for MVR
- Define Hard Stops for PSP
- Define Hard Stops for Background Check
- Define Your D&A Clearinghouse Process
- Define Your Structured Interview Process
- Define Your Orientation Process
- Define Your Drug Screen Process
- Document The Required Onboarding Forms
- Define How You'll Get the Applicant To Orientation
- Define Video Training The Driver Should Complete
- Document Your Road Test Curriculum
TIP: Use any of the following tools to help you write your processes out

Thank you for your interest in joining the [Your Company Name] team. I have a few questions for you.
First off, can you confirm the information you provided in to make sure we didn't make any mistakes [list of information collected at Qualification Questions stage]
Thank you, now can you tell me why you are looking for a new job?
How soon are you ready to make a move?
What’s the best way to get in touch with you? Phone, Email or Text?
What did you see about us that you thought we’d be a good fit for you?
Wonderful, now I'd like to tell you a little more about the job. [Enter a realistic job preview that gives them a taste of the good, bad and ugly to make sure they want the gig]
Do you have any questions? [Answer and candidate questions]
Get the Release Form Consent (If Haven't Already)
Unless they are driving, do not hang up the phone till you can see the release forms signed to run the MVR, PSP, and background check.
Next Step:
Schedule full behavioral interview the next day to allow the MVR, PSP and Background check to be completed - don’t let them hang up without the interview on the calendar
Define Hard Stops for MVR
Run the MVR for any candidate that meets your minimum requirements. You will make the call on any candidate that does not pass the qualification questions and click the “order MVR” button for anyone you want to take a shot on.
Anyone that has 0 moving violations and DUIs in the last 3 years with a valid license will move on to the PSP stage.
Anyone that does not meet these standards will rejected
Define Hard Stops for PSP
Run the PSP for any candidate that met the MVR standards. You will make the call on any candidate that does not pass the MVR and click the “order PSP” button for anyone you want to take a shot on.
Anyone that has no more than 1 out of service violation and 0 suspensions on their license in the past 5 years moves on to the Background Check stage.
Anyone that does not meet these standards will be placed in a queue for you to reject or manually move on.
Define Hard Stops for Background Check
Run the background check for any candidate that met the PSP standards. You will make the call on any candidate that does not pass the PSP and click the “order background check” button for anyone you want to take a shot on.
Anyone that has 0 felony or misdemeanor convictions in the past 8 years moves on to the D&A Clearinghouse.
Anyone that does not meet these standards will be placed in a queue for you to reject or manually move on.
Define Your D&A Clearinghouse Process
Check if the driver self-reports as registered or not on the Clearinghouse:
If not: Send the template text with the link to register
If yes and you’ve outsourced to us:
Click the step in the Onboarding Workflow to initiate the ordering process
We’ll confirm the driver is registered and approves the full query - we’ll chase the driver until they approve or reject the full query.
We’ll run the full query
Approve/Reject based on the results
If yes and you’re doing the work yourself:
log into the Clearinghouse site to confirm the driver has approved the full query
If they haven’t approved/rejected the query, Send the driver a template text / call them to approve the query if they have not done so.
Run the full query.
Approve/Reject based on the results:
Anyone that has a positive D&A test should not be considered ever and should be rejected into a not eligible status
Define Your Structured Interview Process
Use scripted questions to conduct the structured interview in-person or via video or phone call.
Never conduct an interview off-the-cuff - always use a script.
We put the hour long behavioral interview after the screens because your time is valuable.
Schedule this interview in person if possible but Facetime / Zoom are a great second option to accommodate the driver's life on the road.
Pro Tip: Communication
When reaching out to candidates, recruiters should always communicate:
- Where the driver is at in the process
- What is needed from them
- Rough timeline of when they could be driving for you
- Send an email/text after to make sure the driver has that info should they forget
Define Your Orientation Process
Contact the driver in less than 1 day with your decision.
Get the candidate scheduled for orientation ASAP.
Respect their wishes to provide 2 weeks notice to their current employer - that is a person who lives up to commitments they make and good sign.
Define How You'll Get the Applicant To Orientation
Send Reminder Texts:
Send reminder texts at intervals of 1 week, 5 days, 2 days and 24 hours so the candidate has no reason to miss orientation.
Include the following in your text:
Date/time of orientation
Location with clickable GPS link
Special instructions on parking, who to ask for at the office
Internal Notification:
Inform your staff the morning of with a company email or announcement of the names of the candidates that will be
Pro-Tip: Define How Long You Will Attempt Follow-Up At Each Stage
The onus is always on you to keep the process moving forward - NEVER the candidate
If you aren't hearing from them, don't assume that they'll get back to you - instead define how long and how frequent you will attempt to engage them at their current stage - if they fall outside of that duration, flip them to your "banked" Lifecycle Stage.
Define Video Training The Driver Should Complete
Document all presentations that Safety, Payroll, Operations and anyone else gives that are in the “housekeeping” or “just need to know” section and list off what the driver's onboarding video schedule should look like
Document Your Road Test Curriculum
Make this the first task of orientation to confirm they operate your equipment as you need or determine if they’ll need a longer training period / if you need to cut bait with them.