See who can drive—and whose files require immediate attention—at a glance!
The DriverHub Compliance Dashboard provides a quick snapshot of your key compliance metrics. It contains tiles you can click on to quickly see details on upcoming record expirations, out-of-compliance drivers, and individual missing or out-of-compliance records. There is also a tile called "Do NOT Dispatch". This article will show you how to configure that to best manage your drivers and your fleet.
"Do NOT Dispatch" is a configurable option that identifies drivers that are out-of-compliance on critical records in their DQ File. These can either be missing, expired, or failed audit. Drivers identified by "Do NOT Dispatch" could be considered more seriously non-compliant—for example, a driver with an expired driver's license—when compared to a out-of-compliance driver with a missing internal policy. Both need attention, but the former would necessitate keeping the driver off your trucks until it's resolved.
You can configure which record types to consider in "Do NOT Dispatch" by navigating to the sidebar menu > Configure > Comply > Do NOT Dispatch. You can select records to either add or remove by clicking on the records you want, then using the bottom single arrows to move the record over to the appropriate column. The top double arrows will move ALL the records without having to select any.
You also have the option to select whether On Leave drivers should be considered when evaluating "Do NOT Dispatch".
For clients that want do delay the compliance evaluation of new employees during the onboarding process, there is a field for Compliance Start Date (also known as Qualification Date) which can be deferred to a future date beyond the Start Date. Employees won't be evaluated for non-compliance or "Do NOT Dispatch" until that Compliance Start Date.
If you don't see the "Do NOT Dispatch" tile, you may need to configure your dashboard using the "Configure Dashboard" link in the upper left corner of the dashboard. The following window will appear.
If you have any additional questions about "Do NOT Dispatch" or the Compliance Dashboard in general, feel free to reach out to or submit a ticket using the link at the top right of this page.