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Integration Error Solutions

Troubleshooting common errors that pop up while using integrations.

A-Suite Integrations sometimes don't work due to incorrect or missing information. In these cases, you will typically see a pop-up error message that provides some information indicating what needs to be corrected. 

In this article we will go over some of the most common integration errors and show you how to resolve them. 

Samba Errors

Asurint Errors

Troubleshooting Samba Safety Errors 

Access Denied Error

If you have the integration set up, and you are receiving an "Access Denied" error when trying to monitor one of your drivers, read below to see how to solve the issue: 

The "Access Denied" error is because someone from your company has deleted the driver inside of Qorta. They need to be "unarchived" in Qorta before we can access that person through the API.

See below on how to unarchive in Qorta: 

License Type Mismatch

When you receive the error shown in the MVR below, be sure to check both A-Suite and Samba Safety to ensure that both have the correct license type (CDL/Personal). Most of the time, the discrepancy will be found on the Samba side. If the driver is enrolled in monitoring, you will need to turn off monitoring on the Samba site, edit the license type, and then turn monitoring back on. Please note that this may incur additional enrollment fees. 


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License Name Mismatch

When you come across either of the errors below, be sure to check both A-Suite and Samba Safety to ensure that both have the correct name. If you already have a copy of their license, we advise matching the name exactly as it is on the license. You do not need to turn off monitoring to resolve this issue. Please note that while rules differ by state, suffixes are typically not required and might cause this error to occur. 

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Troubleshooting Asurint Errors

Invalid Zip Code Error

When you come across an error that states the zip code specified does not match the specified state, this means that somewhere in their application, the driver used an incorrect zip code. This discrepancy can typically be found in their address history, or within the addresses of previous employers on their DOT Application.

Once you identify the mismatch within their DOT Application record, you can go to their workflow, click on the DOT App in the workflow top open it, then click on EDIT on the bottom right.

From there, you have the option of editing yourself and sending to the candidate to sign, or sending to the candidate so they can correct it themselves. For both options, you can click on "Create Link" to send it to the candidate. Once the zip code has been corrected on the application, you should be able to order from the integration successfully. 

AvatarFleet Support

If you are still having trouble, you can reach out to support@avatarfleet.com.