July 2024 - Product Updates v109

Mass Actions to Update Lifecycle Stages (Feature)

Mass Actions to Update Lifecycle Stages (Feature)

lifecycle stages mass update

Lifecycle Stages are now available as a mass action within the Candidates Browser. Use this function when have several candidate you would like to disposition at the same time.

Customize the number of days for upcoming expiration notifications for each record type. 60 days just doesn't work for everything.


This feature allows you to configure each record to have a customized number of days for when to notify you for upcoming record expirations. Records can now be changed from their default 60d notifications to something that fits your process better, such as 7 days for MVRs or maybe 180 days for School Bus Recertifications.

While the this replaces the "60 Day Expirations" Comply Dashboard Report with "Upcoming Expirations," we didn't change the default timing for records set to expire from 60d. So unless you edit your record types to have customized expiration notification dates, this Comply Dashboard Item behaves the same way it always has.

Update Lifecycle Stages when sending an email or sms message and when adding a note to a profile.

lifecycle updates

The Email, SMS, and Note screens now allow you to change the lifecycle stage immediately before sending or submitting. This brings lifecycle stages inline with your workflow and makes it one click easier to keep these updated.

Added Canada as a User Country Preference which will show Canadian values on Browser Columns

canada user pref

Now you can default your preferences to show Canadian values on browsers throughout A-Suite. Changes include:

SIN (instead of SSN)
Dates (DD/MM/YYYY)
Postal Code (Instead of Zip Code)
KM (instead of Miles)

Even if you don't default you Country Preference, profiles located in Canada will show these values within the profile.

Pretty cool, eh?

MVR expiration dates are now set from the date ordered (vs. reviewed)

mvr order datesFor Samba and HireRight MVRs, we now set the expiration date based on the date ordered (instead of the date reviewed). Our Proven Process is to default all MVRs to 365 days from the date they were ordered.

The nuance here between date ordered and date reviewed means users no longer need to edit the expiration date (backdate) after reviewing an MVR to ensure that it remains compliant. The calculation will attempt to extract the exact date of the MVR run in order to do so. If unable, it will return the date the vendor returned the MVR.

Image Previews stay on the screen

previews stay on screen

A minor fix but worth sharing, the new image previewer ensures images don't fall of the screen.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  • Update form error feedback in Candidate Exp app to target individual inputs rather than the whole form. This will provide better user experience for potential employees of our clients.
  • Provide better error messages when distance between candidate and position opening can't be calculated.