You need to move fast after an accident to understand if you’re at fault and be ready to swat away billboard attorneys. They want an easy fight so show them you’re going to be tough.
Follow this post-accident checklist:
Assess if the driver or the other vehicle involved (O.V.) is hurt and if medical professionals are needed; you’re the calm voice to take deep breaths and collect information
If another person other than your driver is in the accident, submit the claim to your insurance company immediately - you have to assume you're dealing with a bodily injury claim, which are 80% more expensive
Standardize the information you collect in A-Suite by using an accident form.
Request the driver sends videos and pictures from the scene of the accident.
Confirm that driver is 100% FMCSR compliant - you should be but if not, be prepared to resolve the claim with a big check so a lawyer does not get involved
Submit the form to your insurance company