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SambaSafety / A-Suite Integration FAQ

Do you want to get started with this integration? Contact your Customer Success Manager. 

Q: Who is SambaSafety and what do they do?  

A: Since 1998, SambaSafety has led the industry in driver risk management software.  Their mission is promoting safer communities by reducing risk through data insights. SambaSafety provides three primary product lines:  

  • Continuous Driver Monitoring
  • Insurance Underwriting Software
  • Pre-Employment Screening (MVR’s)

View the Webinar:

View a recording of the A-Suite Tips Webinar on the Samba Safety Integration using the following link: https://support.avatarfleet.com/en/knowledge/webinar-manage-driver-monitoring-in-a-suite-with-the-samba-safety-integration

Q: What’s the relationship between SambaSafety and AvatarFleet?

A: Samba Safety and AvatarFleet are strategic partners.  AvaterFleet offers a SambaSafety integration, allowing customers in common to access select Samba Safety products directly through AvaratFleet’s A-Suite platform. Additionally, AvatarFleet acts as a reseller of SambaSafety select products to AvatarFleet customers.

Q: What SambaSafety Products is AvatarFleet offering their customers?

A: AvatarFleet is offering the following SambaSafety products:

  • Q License - Web based continuous driver monitoring service. Designed to increase visibility and reduce risk associated with drivers. Includes access to driver roster management, MVR monitoring, purchasing, scoring, reporting and alerting.   

**No need for Annual MVR with this product

  • Q Transportation - Q Transportation offers a unique ability to continuously monitor drivers for violations, license status, medical certifications and endorsements, on- or off-duty, or in company or personal vehicles. By aggregating CSA and MVR data, robust scorecards elevate data into actionable intelligence, and empower decision-makers to enhance their safety culture through dramatic improvements in cost savings, productivity, a company’s image, and overall safety and stability. Includes access to IRT Scorecards.
  • MVR Services - SambaSafety MVR service fee charged in addition to data fee for on-demand MVRs, Scheduled MVRs or Annual MVRs defined by an End User’s policy; Channel Partner invoice based on End Users’ actual usage.

Q:  Can a customer subscribe to both Q-License and Q-Transportation at the same time?

A:  Yes, a customer can subscribe to both Q-License and Q-Transportation at the same time.

Q:  How often does the integration between A-Suite and SambaSafety sync?

A:  The integration between Qorta and A-Suite will run on a nightly basis. Drivers will sync in one direction from A-Suite to Qorta.

Q:  Does the AvatarFleet/SambaSafety integration support the California Employee Pull Notice (EPN)?

A:  Yes, in addition to the MVR, AvatarFleet also supports the EPN and maintains California EPN compliance requirements.

Q:  What is the California Employee Pull Notice?

A:  The Employer Pull Notice (EPN) program enables commercial and government organizations to monitor the driving records of employees who drive for them. By monitoring their employees’ driving records, organizations can ensure that each driver has a valid driver’s license, recognize problem drivers or driving behavior, improve public safety, & minimize liability.

Q:  How does the EPN work? 

A: Each employer enrolled in the EPN program is assigned a requester code. The requester code is added to applicable employees’ driver’s license records. When an employee’s driver’s license record is updated due to an action or activity, the CA DMV makes an electronic check to determine if a pull notice is on file. If the action or activity is one that must be reported under the EPN program (see below), a driver’s record is generated and sent to the employer.

  1. Convictions
  2. Failures to appear (FTAs).
  3. Accidents.
  4. Driver’s license suspensions or revocations.
  5. Any other actions taken against their driving privilege
  6. Driver enrollment into the EPN program

Q:  How is billing handled?

A:  Sometimes these things can be tricky, especially when there are customers in common, but rest assured, we’ve thoroughly thought that out!  Please contact your SambaSafety or AvatarFleet rep to learn more about invoicing standard operating procedures for customers in common.   

Q:  How do drivers report a dispute with their driving record?

A:  Drivers can log a dispute by following this link:  https://www.safetyholdingsinc.com/

_____________________________________________________________________________Q. Are clients able to mass order through A-Suite? 

A: Yes. As of our newest version, v. 3.66.0, mass ordering is now an option using the Task List Actions function.