1. Knowledge Base
  2. DriverHub (Comply)

Upcoming Record Expirations

By default, records are set to show up in Upcoming Expirations within 60 days of expiring, but you can customize the number of days for upcoming expiration notifications for each record type. 60 days doesn't always work for everything!

The Upcoming Expirations feature allows you to configure each record to have a customized number of days for when to notify you for upcoming record expirations. Records can now be changed from their default 60 day notifications to something that fits your process better, such as 7 days for MVRs or maybe 180 days for School Bus Recertifications.

While the this replaces the "60 Day Expirations" Comply Dashboard Report with "Upcoming Expirations," we didn't change the default timing for records set to expire from 60 days. Unless you edit your record types to have customized expiration notification dates, this Comply Dashboard tile behaves the same way it always has.
