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Navigating User Profiles In DriverHub

Quickly access, view, and manage user-specific information in User Profiles within DriverHub.

User Profiles in DriverHub offer a comprehensive view of all information related to a candidate or team member, helping you to manage essential contact details and documents. This supports effective tracking and compliance, ensuring you can efficiently maintain and update user records and information.

Table of Contents

Video Overview - Getting to know the User Profile:

Watch the video below for a guided tour of the User Profile page, highlighting key features for managing candidate and team member details.

Profile Header

  1. Star A User: At the very top of the profile, you can star a user to the left of their name, marking them for quick reference.
  2. User Status and Lifecycle Stage: To the right of the name, view or update the user’s status, such as “Candidate” or “Team Member,” and set or change their lifecycle stage.

profile header

Quick Actions and Badges

  1. Quick Action Buttons: Directly below the name and status, there are quick action buttons for common tasks (from left to right):
    1. Send Email
    2. Send Text
    3. Create Note: Add notes to the profile for important updates or reminders.
    4. Additional Actions: Access more options from a dropdown menu.
  2. Badges: Below the quick action buttons, badges may appear to highlight critical information such as (but not limited to):
    1. Missing Record(s): Notifies if any required records are missing.
    2. Upcoming Record Expiration(s): Notifies if any records are expiring soon.
    3. Do Not Dispatch Status: Indicates users flagged as DND due to compliance issues.

      Helpful Tip: You can click on badges to address the alert.

quick actions and badges

Profile Tabs: 

  1. Profile Tab: Contains all essential information about the user, such as contact details, driver’s license information, and more. Information entered via lead forms, applications, or roster uploads is stored here.
    1. Editing Information: Click the pencil icon next to each section to modify profile information or update driver’s license details.
    2. Additional Information and Custom Fields: Below the user's license information, you can also find secondary contact info, Samba MVR information (for Samba users only), tags, groups, and custom fields if you have any built into your site's profiles. 
    3. Team Members vs. Candidates: Once a candidate is hired and becomes a team member, their profile will display a manager instead of a recruiter, and there will be additional fields for start date, qualification date, and termination date.
  2. Notes Tab: Stores all notes related to the user, allowing you to keep a record of important details or interactions.
  3. Files Tab: Holds files uploaded to the user’s profile that aren’t attached to specific records.

profile tabs

Applications and Records

  1. For candidates, the Applications tab allows you to view their application and hiring progress, while the Records tab lists essential compliance documents.
  2. Only the Records tab is available for team members, helping you track required compliance documents like licenses, medical cards, and background checks.

applications and records tab

Helpful Tip: The button in the top left of the right panel directly to the left of the records tab shows the other tabs that you can open in this area: Text Messages, Email, Applications, Change History, and Lead Sources: