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  2. DriverHub (Recruit)

Using Recruiting Statuses

How to set-up, select and filter Recruiting Statuses for applicants in DriverHub.

Video Overview:

In DriverHub, you can easily keep track of the current state of a candidate by utilizing the "Recruiting Status" toggle in your Applications List or User Profile page.

Here's how to set it up.

You'll first need to add your desired Statuses by hovering over to the side navigation menu - Configuration, Recruiting, Recruiting Application Statuses.

From here you'll see either a blank screen, or a list of any of the pre-existing Statuses in the menu.

To add a new Status, simply click the "Add New" button and type in the desired name. Select a color to easily color-code your statuses.

You can create as many Statuses as you'd like, edit and delete Statuses using the according buttons and then click Save when you're finished.

Now when you're in either a User Profile or the Applications List, you'll easily be able to select the desired Status from the dropdown menu.

Once you've set up your individual Recruiting Statuses in your Account, you can use the Advanced Filters option in your Applications List to drill down your warmest leads using your pre-existing views, and then also add your Recruiting Status filter to narrow down those recruits by status.