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What are Variable Fields?

Variable fields help you to customize and personalize communications within DriverHub.

InVariable fields are a great way to customize your communication in DriverHub. 

In areas where you can customize communication such as in forms builders, and the EZApp landing page, and SMS and Email templates, you will see variable fields as options. 

In the drop-down in Variable Fields, you may see a menu like the one pictured below: 

Persona, Manager, and Company are all options in the menu with further drop down options to explore. 

In Persona, the following options are visible to select: 


For example if you were to select "First Name" to place into the body of your communication, you would see . This indicates that whomever is receiving the communication will have his or her first name appear where those brackets appear. This is a time saver in mass communication, as it enables you to customize messages without having to type the same data repeatedly. 

Using the following variable fields in "Persona" would populate the candidate or team member's data as seen below: 

Middle Name= persona.mname

Last Name= persona.lname

Full Name= persona.full_name

Link to applications/form packet= persona.vue_persona_summary_url

SSN= persona.ssn

Gender= persona.gender

Email= persona.email

Primary Phone= persona.primary_phone

Status= persona.statu (If a candidate, this would indicate of this candidate is active, on hold or rejected, if a team member, this would indicate full time, part time or contractor status)

Address= persona.address

City= persona.city

State= persona.state

Zip= persona.zip

Country= persona.country

In the newest release on 10/22, 3.65.0, even more variable fields will be available for you to use. 

    • Persona Location, Region, Super Region, and Business Units are added!
    • Anything 'Application' related uses the persona's 'Primary App' which is their Most Recent, Contingent or In Progress application.

With the selection of "Company" the following drop down would appear, in similar fashion to the variable fields in "Persona," but this time the details of your company would populate. 


Name= company.display_name

Street Address= company.address

City= company.city

State= company.state

Zip Code= company.zip


Lastly, with "Manager," the options listed below appear. The candidate or team member's listed manager in the system would have his or her details appear within these variable fields. 


Email= persona.manager.email

Full Name= persona.manager.full_name

Primary Phone= persona.manager.primary_phone