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  2. DriverHub (Comply)

Form Requests

How to request forms and authorizations from candidates and team members through DriverHub.

A Form Request allows you to send a message prompting your candidates or team members to submit new, missing, expired, or out-of-compliance forms.

To create a new form request, navigate to a team member's or candidate's profile. Click the "Create" button, and choose "Form" from the menu.

In the dialog box that opens, choose the form or task that you would like the recipient to complete from the drop-down menu.

Next, choose if you want to prefill fields with available information (ALWAYS Prefill Fields), leave all fields blank (NEVER Prefill Fields), or to follow the Form's default settings.This step simply helps your requestee get the request completed faster, if possible.

Next, choose who is sending the request. This will control who is notified and who the email/text message sender is. 

You can opt to list or not list a due date.

Note: If you list a due date, the assigned party would have until that date to complete the form, if the date passes and the assignee doesn't complete the form, you will have to resend the form. 

You can also elect to send the Form Request to the Prospect/Team Member, that individual's Recruiter/Manager, or to any other person.

Finally, enter any additional message you would like to include, and then click "Request".


  • Forms and form packets can now be created and completed on user profiles without needing to send a request. Simply select "Create Form Now."

The Candidate/Team Member on the Receiving End 

When a request is received by a candidate or team member, they receive a link to DriverHub that asks them to complete the form. If they complete the request within 72 hours, they do not have to log in to their account; beyond that 72-hour window, however, they will need to log in.

When the form is completed, the specified record will be created and added to the user's profile.

Note: If form requires dual signatures, the record will not be created until both parties sign the form.

Viewing and Keeping Track of Form Requests  

To view all form requests that you have sent, navigate to "Browse" and choose "Form Requests." Here, you will see all requests that have been sent, and you can view active requests, ones that need to be cosigned, expired, and completed requests.

Clicking the person's name in the Form Request browser will take you to that person's form request.

You can use Mass Actions to change due dates of form packet requests. In the Browser, select Form Packets, You will see the menu below: 

You are able to "Re-Send" and select a new due date as seen below. 

You can also use Mass Actions to un-sign a form and needs to be redone, or delete any form requests sent in error. 

Aside from the Form Packets Browser, form packet can also be accessed within a driver's profile: