Did you know that DriverHub can be configured to send notifications to your drivers when credentials are set to expire?
When a credential is set to expire, an email notification can be sent to your driver. The driver will have the option to text an image of that new document to your company’s text message inbox.
The less time drivers use to complete administrative tasks, the more drive time they have to haul your freight.
How do I configure driver notifications?
Go to the Navigation Toolbar > Configuration > Company Setting > Driver Notifications
Next, you will see this screen where you can begin to configure the message that your driver’s will see.
Pro Tip: It’s best to keep the E-mail subject and message rather generic.
If you scroll down, you are able to schedule a time for when notifications are sent to drivers. The time will automatically default to your time zone.You can also set a schedule rule for each record for which you want your drivers to be notified.
In the example below, I want my CDL drivers from all of my locations to be notified on the 30th day before their CDL is set to expire.
I can add additional alerts for the same record, or set a new record for notifications. In the instance below, not only do I want my CDL drivers from all of my locations to be notified on the 30th day before their CDL is set to expire, I also want them to be notified each day from the 5th day it is set to expire until the credential is listed to expire.
An example of what the notification looks like on the driver’s end in the event of an expired credential is listed below:
What happens when a driver texts a credential into your company's text message inbox number?
The driver's manager will receive a notification that a text has been received, if this is a candidate with an active app, the recruiter and assignee will also receive a notification. Anyone from your company who has sent the driver a message within the last 45 days will also receive a notification.
This notification will prompt you to look into that persons profile, in the text message inbox area find the image, and begin to take the steps necessary to save the new file as a record.
This is just one example of how DriverHub can help your company and drivers stay on the road and in compliance.
We’re excited that automatic driver notifications can put more time back into your day. Reach out to support@avatarfleet.com to begin utilizing this feature today!