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Configuring Record Types

How to manage your record types for clear and understandable handling of your company's digital records.


To prepare DriverHub to store and manage your records, you need to define various Record Types which serve as classifications for records. Record types are used to manage visibility of records for particular groups or account types.

They also make it much easier to use the Records Browser and see records within a user's profile by providing consistent names and icons to each record instead of, say, relying on the file name of your uploads, which can vary in nature or be non-descriptive names (e.g. "Scan001.pdf").

To view your Record Types, navigate to Configuration > Records > Record Types. You will see all of your existing record types in a list; clicking one will open the Edit Record Type dialog box.

Creating Record Types

To create a new record type, click the Add New Record Type button at the top right of the screen. A new screen will appear with all the fields required to configure a record type.

First, give your new record type a name and assign it to a category. The category tells the DriverHub system how to handle the record, allowing you to give it whatever name you like and still allow DriverHub to process it correctly.

Next, you have the option to choose a specific icon to represent this record type.

The "Displayed In" field allows you to choose a Record Folder for the new Record Type to live in. Record Folders provide you with a quick and easy way to filter records inside the records browser and in individual profiles. You will want to filter by the "Record Groups" column. 

The "Visible To" field allows you to choose which user Groups are allowed to open the record type that you are creating. This can also be done by navigating to Configuration, Permissions, and clicking Groups, and editing records types through there.

Below the "Visible To" field, you will see three Yes/No questions. Choose if you want this record type to expire, and if so, enter the duration of the record's life before it expires. Next, Choose if you would like to be able to change the expiration date from within the record detail view or not. Finally, determine whether or not an attachment is required to pass compliance.

The last steps are selecting any Custom Fields and Audit Checks you would like to add to the record. Custom Fields and Audit Checks will appear in the Record Details area, beneath the Record Info box.

Editing, Cloning, and Disabling Record Types

To edit any attributes on an existing record type, simply click the name of the record type in the list. Make your changes and click save.

You can also make a new record type based on an existing type by opening the type you want to "clone", making your changes, and then clicking "Save New Record Type" at the bottom. A new Record type will then appear in the list.

Finally, you can disable a Record Type by opening it and clicking the Disable button. This will not delete the information, but it will not appear in the records browser or on user profiles unless it is re-enabled.