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Configuring User Groups

How to create user groups and assign rights and permissions that manages DriverHub functionality.

When you are setting up DriverHub, an important step in managing your team members' usage is the creation of groups and assigning rights to those groups.


What is a User Group?
The Groups Management Page
Creating a User Group
Ways to Add Members To Groups
Configuring Rights For A Group
Add Custom Fields To A group

What is a User Group?

Groups play two main roles within DriverHub:

  1. First and foremost, User Groups are a way to determine Rights of your users. We will talk about Rights later in this article.
  2. Groups also give you a way to give team members oversights and responsibilities. Oversights and responsibilities can be set for team members based on their Managers or Recruiters, Locations, Regions, or Groups.

    Among these classifications, Groups are unique in that they are not dependent on geography or company structure, and can be created for any reason you choose.

Oversight: Configurable user-based Permission that dictates the visibility of Users.

Responsibility: Configurable user-based Permission that dictates their role in managing compliance. This allows the User to only see dashboard metrics that are reflective of which users they are responsible for. The user must also have Oversight of the users which they are responsible for.

The Groups Management Page

To manage your user groups, hover over Configuration, Permissions, and then click "Groups." The window that opens will show a list of all of the existing groups, a description of each group, the group type, and any custom fields for additional data that you would like to collect on members of the group.


There are five types of user groups, four of which can be chosen in the Create/Edit Group dialog box.

  • System: Denotes default groups that are built in to the software, e.g. "Everyone", "Recruiters" and "Candidates". This type of user group cannot be created.
  • Rights: A classification used when the group's purpose is to set rights for certain users.
  • Recruiting Group: This type lets you connect recruiters within a small team, and then assign applications to that team. Each time an application comes in, it is assigned to the next person in the list, round-robin style.
  • Organization: Similar to the Rights type, the Organization type can be used to separate users based on your company's structure or classifications.
  • Other: A classification for any other type of group you may like to create.

Creating A User Group

To create a new group, click the Add New Group button at the top of the page. In the dialog box that opens, give your group a name, a description explaining what the group's purpose is, and choose the type.

Next, you will choose the Visible Record Types that members of the group can see. When you define this setting, your group members will be able to view the document connected to a record. Any record types not included in the Visible Record Types field cannot be opened; they will, however, appear in the Records browser and in user profile record lists.

The last step in this dialog box is to add group members. You can do this by clicking twice in the input field and choosing from a list of all of your users. A more efficient way would be to start typing the names of the people you would like to add, and then selecting them when they appear. The Members input field acts as a search bar to make adding users easier.

Ways to Add Members To Groups

There are other ways to add members to groups in addition to within the Create/Edit Group dialog box.

From The User Profile

You can add a user to a group from their user profile. Simply open the intended user's profile, click the Edit icon in the Main Information tab, and scroll down to the Groups input field. When you click in this field, you will be shown a dropdown menu where you can tick the checkboxes next to your available groups.

Team Members Browser Mass Action

You can use a Task List and Mass Action to add (or remove) multiple Team Members to groups. To do this, filter your team members down to those you want to add, create a Task List, and choose the Add or Remove Users from Groups icon represented by two avatars and a plus symbol.

The dialog box that opens will allow you to add or remove the selected Team Members to/from a group. If some of the selected members are already members, no action will be taken for them.

Configuring Rights for a Group

To configure rights for a group, click the "Configure Rights For This Group" button in the Create or Edit Group dialog box. A new dialog box will open where you will see two columns: Available Rights on the left side, and Configured Rights on the right side.

To add rights, click the rights you want to add in the Available Rights column, and then click the single arrow pointing to the Configured Rights column. To remove rights, follow the same steps in the reverse direction.

You can also add or remove all rights by clicking the double arrows in the direction you want the rights to move.

Add Custom Fields to a Group

Another function you can add to a Group is the Custom Fields function. This can be useful if you want to find out an attribute or piece of data for the members of your group.

For example, if I have a group called "Truck Owners", I can create a custom field that asks in each member's profile "What color is your truck?"

To add a custom field, simply click in the Custom Fields input box, and then either select the fields you want to add, or click the Create New button at the bottom.

Once this is complete and saved, your Custom Field will appear near the bottom of group members' profiles, and can be edited through the same profile edit button used above to edit groups.

For more on Custom Fields, visit our Knowledge Base article explaining the process.